
Scope: Retail Interior & Custom Joinery Design
Photography: Studio CK

Los Pastel is a boutique hair salon nestled in the vibrant heart of Subiaco, renowned for its specialisation in blonde and long hair colouring. What sets Los Pastel apart is their commitment to continuous improvement by offering regular evening workshops. Consequently, our primary focus when designing this space was on colours, material used and lighting, as they lie at the core of Los Pastel’s craft.
The design of Los Pastel mirrors the vibrant and contemporary culture they embrace, as well as their affection for the captivating vibe of Los Angeles. We also thoughtfully incorporated existing custom art pieces and mirrors into the fresh design. The canvas is set with white walls and a subtly toned concrete floor, providing a perfect backdrop to showcase the vibrant bursts of colour we introduced.
Meticulous attention was given to material selection, particularly how these materials interact with both natural and artificial lighting throughout the day. We carefully analysed how reflections from these colours might cast on surfaces to ensure they never interfere with Los Pastel’s work processes. Noteworthy features like mirrored ceilings transformed a typical wash station into a statement piece, and an otherwise mundane stairway into an exciting "journey."
We established circulation and invisible boundaries without the need for solid walls, maintaining a sense of connectedness and openness throughout the space. Mirrors abound, fostering frequent interactions between staff and customers. The space reflects onto itself, allowing staff to effortlessly monitor their surroundings, leading to increased productivity, comfort, and, most importantly, an elevated level of 
customer service.